Teen Smoking
Teen Smoking Facts
Teen Smoking Warning Signs
Overview of Teenage Smoking
Teen Smoking Statistics
Causes of Teenage Smoking
Smokeless Tobacco
Drugs that Teens Smoke
Social Consequences of Smoking
Smoking and Alcohol
Facts on Teen Smoking
Diseases Caused by Smoking
Smoking During Pregnancy
Is Smoking a Gateway Drug?
Electronic Cigarettes for Teens?
Quit Smoking Help
Welcome to Teen SmokingThe purpose of this Web site is to inform and educate the public on the hazards teen smoking can have on their health, and help families who may need help with a teen smoking issue. Articles include the effects, statistics, causes, and warning signs of teenage smoking. Also, tips on prevention and treatment of adolescent tobacco use, including smokeless tobacco and cigarettes. Our goal is to help prevent tobacco use amongst teenagers, and encourage teens to quit smoking through smoking cessation programs. Smokeless Tobacco
Smoking cigarettes is not the only tobacco, or nicotine, addiction issue for teens. Smokeless tobacco is just as addictive and has it's own health risks. This article explains what smokeless tobacco is, the types of smokless tobacco teens use, and the health threat to teens.
How to Quit Smoking
As millions of Americans can attest, learning how to quit smoking is one of the toughest battles a person can face. Millions of teens and adults are becoming nicotine addicts each year. Smoking is the number one cause of preventable death in the United States.