How to Quit Smoking

As millions of Americans can attest, learning how to quit smoking is one of the toughest battles a person can face. Millions of teens and adults are becoming nicotine addicts each year. Smoking is the number one cause of preventable death in the United States.

Because of these startling teen smoking statistics, it is important for those who have already found themselves addicted to smoking cigarettes, to learn how to quit smoking. Because of the nicotine and thousands of other chemicals found in cigarettes, science has determined exactly why cigarettes are so addicting. The nicotine serves to give new users a high, however this feeling no longer continues after the addiction process has begun. One the addiction starts, those teens and adults who find themselves smoking more and more cigarettes each day are at a loss as to know how to quit smoking. 

How to quit smoking:

There are many different ways one can learn how to quit smoking. However, the trick to quitting this very difficult habit is to find the best quitting option for you. Some do better by quitting cold turkey. However, others choose to use patches and gum aids to assist in the quitting process. For some, addiction therapy and support groups are better treatment options for teaching one how to quit smoking. Often times the way a person quits smoking is determined by their personality, activity levels and other habits they may develop. Let's take a look at some of the best ways to learn how to quit smoking. 

  • Because buying cigarettes can cost the average smoker thousands of dollars each year, one of the best ways to start on the road to quitting smoking is to calculate exactly how much money you will save by not spending your money on cigarettes. This money savings should be just another added incentive to help you want to quit in addition to the benefits you are providing to your overall health and wellbeing. 
  • It is a good idea to try quitting for a few days on your own. This may take a few days to wean yourself off of the nicotine addiction. Remember, the withdrawal symptoms like headaches, shaking and anxiety can continue for the first few days of no nicotine. However, once those days pass, it is just a matter of trying to resist the habitual urge to smoke. Many people who are former smokers have reported that one of the toughest parts of learning how to quit smoking is learning how to avoid the habits they got into when smoking. For example, many people turn to smoke a cigarette when they are stressed. Learning to prevent teen smoking is the best way to kick the addiction for good, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
  • Along this same vein, be aware of your smoking triggers. Keep in mind the activities that you associate with smoking. For some, this may be drinking alcohol. For others, they might smoke with they are stressed or upset. Learning to find other activities to keep yourself busy during  this time is a great way to resist the urge. Play with a stress ball or chew a piece of gum instead of smoking that cigarette. 
  • If you need more assistance to help yourself quit smoking, it might be a good idea to talk with your health care professional about trying medications to help you quit. There are also over-the-counter assistants like patches and nicotine gum that can be used to help curb the cravings.
  • Some people even try to join online message boards for support, or attend weekly support meetings. Finding those like you, who are also trying to quit smoking, is a great way to keep up your morale and motivation when trying to quit this habit. Being around those who smoke can make the habit that much more tempting and will increase the chances of a relapse. If a friend or family member is a smoker, try and avoid them as much as possible while they are having a cigarette. This will help you avoid relapse.
  • After a few weeks and months of no smoking, your body will begin to notice the added physical benefits of not smoking including increased energy and the ability to breathe better. This will help you when it comes to exercising and doing physical activities. 
  • Keep a diary or journal of your quitting journey. This will help you understand what you can do in the future in case of relapse. It is also a good way to write down and express the stresses that might encourage your smoking habit in the first place. 

Getting professional help is always an option when learning how to quit smoking. There are many doctors and health care professionals available that provide smokers with the necessary tools to use to learn how to quit smoking. Choose the options that is best for you to help yourself see the best results possible.


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