Teen Smoking
Teen Smoking Facts
Teen Smoking Warning Signs
Overview of Teenage Smoking
Teen Smoking Statistics
Causes of Teenage Smoking
Smokeless Tobacco
Drugs that Teens Smoke
Social Consequences of Smoking
Smoking and Alcohol
Facts on Teen Smoking
Diseases Caused by Smoking
Smoking During Pregnancy
Is Smoking a Gateway Drug?
Electronic Cigarettes for Teens?
Quit Smoking Help
How to Quit Smoking
As millions of Americans can attest, learning how to quit smoking is one of the toughest battles a person can face. Millions of teens and adults are becoming nicotine addicts each year. Smoking is the number one cause of preventable death in the United States.
Because of these startling teen smoking statistics, it is important for those who have already found themselves addicted to smoking cigarettes, to learn how to quit smoking. Because of the nicotine and thousands of other chemicals found in cigarettes, science has determined exactly why cigarettes are so addicting. The nicotine serves to give new users a high, however this feeling no longer continues after the addiction process has begun. One the addiction starts, those teens and adults who find themselves smoking more and more cigarettes each day are at a loss as to know how to quit smoking. How to quit smoking: There are many different ways one can learn how to quit smoking. However, the trick to quitting this very difficult habit is to find the best quitting option for you. Some do better by quitting cold turkey. However, others choose to use patches and gum aids to assist in the quitting process. For some, addiction therapy and support groups are better treatment options for teaching one how to quit smoking. Often times the way a person quits smoking is determined by their personality, activity levels and other habits they may develop. Let's take a look at some of the best ways to learn how to quit smoking.
Getting professional help is always an option when learning how to quit smoking. There are many doctors and health care professionals available that provide smokers with the necessary tools to use to learn how to quit smoking. Choose the options that is best for you to help yourself see the best results possible. Sources: smokefree.gov, cdc.gov Related Article: Social Consequences of Smoking >>